Oct 12, 2021

Jennifer Donaldson, Esq. to Speak at 2021 Exceptional Children Conference

Jennifer Donaldson, Esq. will serve as a presenter at the 2021 Exceptional Children Conference on October 15, 2021, live via Webcast. Her presentation entitled “Remedies” will examine remedies under the IDEA, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA.

Ms. Donaldson is an attorney at Eastburn and Gray and her practice includes school law, special education law and litigation. She has been representing school districts and their employees in all aspects of school law for fifteen years. She routinely fields questions and counsels school administrators on various regulatory compliance issues and she also is a fierce advocate in litigation matters where she represents school districts in special education administrative due process hearings. Additionally, she has vast experience handling special education appeals in federal courts and she has also successfully argued before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

To learn more about the conference or for registration information, please visit www.pbi.org.

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