Mark S. Cappuccio, Esq. Speaks at Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation
Mark S. Cappuccio will co-present a seminar entitled, “What You Need to Know about Real Estate Tax Appeals in Montgomery County” to members of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation on Tuesday, July 9, 2013.
This program provides attendees with information relating to real estate taxes on commercial real estate properties in Montgomery County. For the owners of such properties, there is no better time to consider appealing their 2013 real estate tax assessment. This program will cover general market conditions, when to consider an appeal, the value of taking an appeal, and information about the tax assessment appeal process.
If you are an owner of commercial real estate in Montgomery County and are interested in learning about the current real estate market and 2013 tax appeal issues, you should plan to attend this event to get your questions answered and to better understand the tax appeal process. The value of comparable properties may never be lower and the deadline to file an assessment appeal in Montgomery County is fast-approaching.
The attorneys in the Tax Assessment Appeals group at Eastburn and Gray have years of experience navigating the process throughout the region. They are available to assist property owners in determining whether a tax appeal is the right thing to do in their unique situation.
Mark S. Cappuccio will co-present the seminar with Maureen Mastroieni. Mr. Cappuccio is a Shareholder at Eastburn and Gray, P.C. and the Chair of the firm’s Tax Assessment Appeals practice. His co-panelist, Maureen Mastroieni, is the President and CEO of Mastroieni & Associates, Inc. a real estate consultant practice based in Montgomery County.
The seminar will take place at 470 Norristown Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422. Registration, networking and light fare begin at 8:00am. The seminar will begin at 8:30am.
Pre-registration for this event is encouraged. For more information or to reserve your seat, email