Jul 01, 2019

Attention Property Owners: The Deadline to Appeal Your 2020 Property Tax Assessment is Approaching

There is a short window of time to challenge the tax assessment of your property.

Residential and commercial property owners should be aware that there is a short window of time to challenge the tax assessment of your property and that window will soon close for next year. Appeals must be filed in most counties no later than August 1, 2019 for the 2020 tax year.

It is important to act now. If you are over-assessed and paying too much in real estate taxes, you will get no relief for 2020 if you do not appeal by the deadline for your county. In most counties, that deadline is August 1, 2019.

Your real estate taxes are based on the tax assessment set by your county assessment office. You may appeal your assessment annually, even if the assessment has not changed. Whether your property assessment is fair and accurate is determined by looking at a number of factors, but the first question is determining what the county says your property is worth based on the assessment and the county’s Common Level Ratio (CLR).

Eastburn and Gray has a team of lawyers that are experienced in handling assessment appeals for all types of property in many counties across the Commonwealth. They can assist all property owners in reviewing an assessment for accuracy and fairness. If you, or someone you know, may be affected by the information in this legal alert, please contact a member of the Tax Assessment Appeals practice at Eastburn and Gray. To learn more about Eastburn and Gray, please visit the firm’s website, www.eastburngray.com.

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