Eastburn and Gray Proudly Sponsors 2018 Bucks Beautiful Spring Fling
Eastburn and Gray, P.C. is proud to sponsor Bucks Beautiful’s 2018 Spring Fling. Proceeds from the event benefit Bucks Beautiful’s community garden programs including the Replant Bucks Initiative to restore the ongoing devastating loss of the tree canopy in Bucks County. The event begins at 6:00PM on Friday, May 4, 2018 at the Inn at Barley Sheaf. Tickets are still available and may be purchased by visiting: https://www.bucksbeautiful.org.
Bucks Beautiful is designed to promote and extend the development of gardens in communities, towns, along roads, business premises and private homes. Bucks Beautiful coordinates a network of organizations that plan, present, promote and implement the beautification efforts of Bucks County. This is done through programs, education, and marketing while partnering with other beautification organizations across Bucks County. To learn more about Bucks Beautiful, please visit the Bucks Beautiful website, http://www.bucksbeautiful.org.