Jan 24, 2022

Eastburn and Gray Ranked One of the Largest Law Firms in Pennsylvania

Eastburn and Gray was recently ranked one of the largest law firms in Pennsylvania by research conducted by The Legal Intelligencer. Findings from the 28th edition of PaLaw: Annual Report on the Legal Profession determined the 100 largest law firms. In 2021, Eastburn and Gray was ranked in 92nd place for the second straight year according to the survey.

The Legal Intelligencer is America’s oldest daily law journal and the most trusted source of Pennsylvania legal news, information and analysis. To learn more, please visit The Legal Intelligencer’s website, www.thelegalintelligencer.com.

To view the entire survey, please visit https://www.law.com/thelegalintelligencer/2021/12/14/palaw-2021-annual-report-on-the-legal-profession/.

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