Jan 06, 2017

Grace M. Deon, Esq. Honored for Tenure at the Bucks County Bar Association Annual Dinner

Grace M. Deon, Esq. was honored at the Bucks County Bar Association’s annual dinner for her service and dedication as the Association’s President during 2016. Ms. Deon served as President Elect for the 2015 year and previously held various leadership positions within the Bar Association.

Pictured here are (from left to right): David Truelove, Esq. and Grace Deon, Esq.

When asked what she will remember most about her presidency, she remarked, “I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with and to serve our Bar Association’s members. The accomplishment for which I am most proud was my oversight of the restoration of the fountain originally erected in the early 1700’s in the east yard of the 1812 Courthouse. The refurbished fountain, a Bucks County legal relic, is now housed on the back terrace of the Bar Association building for all to enjoy.” Click here to read more about the fountain.

Ms. Deon is a shareholder and member of Eastburn and Gray’s management committee. Her practice focuses on Employment, Commercial and Special Education litigation.

The Bucks County Bar Association is one of the oldest and most active bar associations in the United States. Located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, the Bucks County Bar Association is dedicated to providing support and fellowship for the advancement of the legal profession. To learn more, please visit the Bucks County Bar Association’s website, www.bucksbar.org.

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