Jun 19, 2015

Marc D. Jonas, Esq. Obtains Land Development Approval for Medical Products Company

Jonas_MMarc D. Jonas, Esquire, on behalf of McNeil Consumer Healthcare, obtained the approval of the Whitemarsh Township Board of Supervisors for a waiver of land development with regard to a proposed tanker truck storage garage. The climate controlled garage will be used for production of Benadryl, Tylenol, and children’s Tylenol at McNeil’s Whitemarsh facility. The waiver enables McNeil to move more quickly through the township approval process.

McNeil markets a broad range of well-known and trusted OTC products around the globe. The company is most widely recognized for the complete line of TYLENOL® acetaminophen products, the leading brand of pain reliever/fever reducer in the adult and pediatric categories. To learn more about the company, please visit McNeil’s website, http://www.mcneil-consumer.com/our-company.

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