Joan Righter Price

Joan Righter Price

Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Phone: (610) 234-3940

Fax: (215) 542-9421


Practice Areas


Real Estate

Tax Assessment Appeals

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Joan Righter Price is an attorney in the Tax Assessment Appeals practice group at Eastburn and Gray. She has over 25 years of experience representing clients in Assessment Law matters. Ms. Price represents clients in all aspects of litigation involving real estate valuation, exemption and uniformity issues as well as issues involving preferential assessments. She represents clients in hearings before local boards of assessment, in the courts of common pleas and the appellate courts of Pennsylvania.

A good portion of her practice has a particular emphasis on counseling non-profit entities on how to obtain a real estate tax exemption. Ms. Price represents commercial property owners as well as homeowners challenging the assessed valuation of their properties. She also provides independent advice and consultation to counties considering a countywide reassessment and those facing assessment administration issues. Ms. Price also provides expert testimony on questions involving assessment administration and the Farmland and Forest Land Preservation Act (Clean and Green).

Prior to joining Eastburn and Gray, Ms. Price served as Solicitor to the Montgomery County Board of Assessment Appeals for more than 20 years. During this time, she helped draft the Consolidated County Assessment Law (Act 93 of 2010) in conjunction with staff of the Pennsylvania Local Government Commission and has provided technical assistance on several legislative proposals. She continues to assist in legislative efforts to improve Pennsylvania assessment law and previously served on the Local Government Commission’s Property Assessment Reform Task Force. As part of this Task Force, Ms. Price was involved in an effort by the Assessors’ Association of Pennsylvania, as an affiliate of the County Commissioners’ Association, to develop a reassessment operations manual to assist counties in determining when and how to conduct a countywide revision of assessments. She is also involved in preparing a training program for assessment board members to be presented by the County Commissioners’ Association.

Ms. Price served for many years as the Solicitor of the Assessors’ Association of Pennsylvania (AAP), an organization founded in 1948 by a group of county assessors with the intent of promoting more education and professionalism within the industry.

Ms. Price has extensive knowledge and practice in the area of Assessment Law in Pennsylvania and she is highly regarded in this area of the law. Ms. Price routinely lectures on various topics related to Assessment Law for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the Montgomery Bar Association, the County Commissioners’ Association of Pennsylvania and the Assessors’ Association of Pennsylvania.


Ms. Price is a member of the Montgomery Bar Association, the Assessors’ Association of Pennsylvania, County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania and the International Association of Assessing Officers.

Clerkship Experience

Ms. Price served as a law clerk to the Honorable Albert R. Subers of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Court.

Volunteer and Community Work

  • Pennsylvania Representative to the International Association of Assessing Officers ( 2012 to 2018)
  • Blue Ribbon Advisory Committee to State Tax Equalization Board (2013 to Present)
  • Appointed to Assessment Task Force pursuant to HR 343 and 344 of 2011 (Pa. General Assembly)
  • Advisory Committee on Real Property Law (Joint State Government Commission, 2004)
  • Former Chair, Sidebar Committee (Montgomery Bar Association)

Bar Admissions

Pennsylvania; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; United States Supreme Court.


Ms. Price received her J.D. from Villanova University School of Law and her B.A. from Chestnut Hill College.

Honors and Awards

  • Carl W. Naessig Award for Meritorious Service to the Assessment Profession (AAP, 2011)
  • Michael M. Chudy Award for Best Article in AAP Journal (AAP, 2007 and 2012)
  • Montgomery Bar Association Special Achievement Award for Sidebar Publication (1999)

Personal Data

Ms. Price is a native of Philadelphia and currently lives in Conshohocken.