Eastburn and Gray Observes MLK Day With Service Project
Attorneys and staff from Eastburn and Gray proudly observed the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday by volunteering their time at the Valley Youth House (VYH) shelter in Warminster on Monday, January 20, 2020. The team painted several rooms at the shelter.
Eastburn and Gray attorney Zachary A. Sivertsen is a member of the Board of Governors of VYH. “I have seen first-hand how this organization provides vital services to some of the most vulnerable members of our communities,” said Mr. Sivertsen.
VYH does more than just provide homes for Pennsylvania’s vulnerable, abused and homeless youth. VYH partners with thousands of individuals each year to build a solid foundation for young people and their families. With dedicated street outreach, housing, counseling, skills training, health, prevention, and intervention services, VYH empowers resilient young people in establishing promising futures. For additional information about Valley Youth House, please visit https://www.valleyyouthhouse.org/.
Photographed above are (from left to right): Rod Eastburn, Mark Eastburn, Nancy Gimbol, Zac Sivertsen, Grace Deon, Mike Peters, Kim Litzke, Sarah Eastburn, Dima Kourouchin, John Schaeffer.